Avertizari vremea, Garh Morān Reserved Forest

High temperature

17.05 9:30 p.m. 21:30 – 18.05 6:30 p.m. 18:30

Heat wave to severe heat wave Heat wave to severe heat wave conditions very likely in most parts of West Rajasthan; many parts of Punjab, Haryana, Chnadigarh, Delhi; in some parts of East Rajasthan and West Uttar Pradesh. Action suggested Avoid heat exposure– keep cool. Avoid dehydration.  Drink sufficient water- even if not thirsty.  Use ORS, homemade drinks like lassi, torani (rice water), lemon water, buttermilk, etc. to keep yourself hydrated.


Următoarele 24 de ore

Vremea în lume astăzi

Cel mai cald și cel mai frig

Min Max

Vremea Mea


Vremea pentru State of Rājasthān