Avertizari vremea, Mont Orford


15.06 4:36 p.m. 16:36 – 16.06 8:36 a.m. 08:36

special weather statement in effect Heat wave next week A warm air mass will affect the province of Quebec beginning on Tuesday. Maximum temperatures between 30 and 35 C are expected, followed by overnight lows above 20 C, and humidex values could reach 40 in the afternoon. These conditions will persist into Thursday evening. Watch out for heat-related impacts, such as heat exhaustion and/or heat stroke. Remember to drink plenty of water. ### Please continue to monitor alerts and forecasts issued by Environment Canada. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports using #QCStorm.

Environment Canada

Următoarele 24 de ore

Vremea în lume astăzi

Cel mai cald și cel mai frig

Min Max

Vremea Mea


Vremea pentru Québec