Avertizari vremea, Ban Le Kathe


03.06 10:00 p.m. 22:00 – 04.06 11:00 p.m. 23:00

Heavy Rain Risk Area The moderate southwest monsoon prevails over the Andaman Sea, upper Thailand while the low-pressure cell covers the upper Vietnam and Tonkin Bay. Thundershowers are likely over the country with isolated heavy rains remain in the North and the Northeast. The moderate wind and waves in the upper Andaman Sea and the gulf are 1-2 meters high, above 2 meters high in thundershowers. People in the areas should beware of heavy rains and accumulations that may cause flash floods and overflows, especially along foothills near waterways and lowlands. All transport takes more caution when traveling through the thundershowers areas. All ships in the Andaman Sea should proceed with caution and keep off thundershowers areas.


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Vremea pentru Changwat Tak