Avertizari vremea, Soosilla

Fire danger

01.06 4:30 p.m. 16:30 – 02.06 4:23 p.m. 16:23

Locally extremely high fire hazard in the forests. Jun 1 thundershowers in many places that can produce locally hail and wind gusts over 15 m/s.

Estonia weather Service


01.06 4:30 p.m. 16:30 – 02.06 4:23 p.m. 16:23

Locally extremely high fire hazard in the forests. Jun 1 thundershowers in many places that can produce locally hail and wind gusts over 15 m/s.

Estonia weather Service

Următoarele 24 de ore

Vremea în lume astăzi

Cel mai cald și cel mai frig

Min Max

Vremea Mea


Vremea pentru Comitatul Tartu