Avertizari vremea, Crivina

High temperature

23.06 7:00 a.m. 07:00 – 24.06 7:00 a.m. 07:00

Val de căldură persistent, maxime în general între 34 și 37 de grade. Local, noapte tropicală, minime în jurul a 20 de grade.

Meteo Romania

High temperature

24.06 7:00 a.m. 07:00 – 25.06 7:00 a.m. 07:00

Disconfortul termic se va menține ridicat, indicele temperatură - umezeală (ITU) va atinge pragul critic de 80 de unități și izolat va fi caniculă. Temperaturile maxime, în continuare cu mult mai mari decât cele normale perioadei vor fi cuprinse în general între 33 și 35 de grade.

Meteo Romania


22.06 11:00 p.m. 23:00 – 23.06 11:00 p.m. 23:00

Local thunderstorms with hail The risk of thunder stroke, endangered lives of people and animals, operation problems for all electrical devices, the risk of fire initiation and flash flooding, telecommunication problems, possible major damage to the property and in agriculture, especially in combination with strong wind and intensive rainfall.


High temperature

22.06 11:00 p.m. 23:00 – 23.06 11:00 p.m. 23:00

Maximum temperature ≥ 35°C Very dangerous weather situations, especially when such weather situation continues for several consecutive days. Unfavourable weather conditions for chronically sick, people under therapy, medical control and meteoropaths. Animals are endangered . Very favourable weather conditions for the occurrence of forest and other fires. Unfavourable conditions for supply of electricity. Problems in traffic.



22.06 11:00 p.m. 23:00 – 23.06 11:00 p.m. 23:00

Heavy Rain/showers - at least 10 mm (l/m²) within a 3-hour period Difficulties in urban areas (especially problem in capacity of rain sewerage system, sewer collectors), problems in transport, disabling the planned agricultural works. Possible violations of the people and damage of properties.



23.06 11:00 p.m. 23:00 – 24.06 11:00 p.m. 23:00

Local thunderstorms The risk of thunder stroke, endangered lives of people and animals, operation problems for all electrical devices, the risk of fire initiation, telecommunication problems. Possible problems in the transport of electricity. Possible occurrence of local intensive showers, torrents and strong gust. These phenomena could cause damage to the property and be dangerous to the security of people and animals.


High temperature

23.06 11:00 p.m. 23:00 – 24.06 11:00 p.m. 23:00

Maximum temperature ≥ 32°C Unfavourable conditions for chronically sick, people under therapy, medical control and meteoropaths. Favourable weather conditions for forest and other fire occurrences.


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